Create New Project
Add/Delete Fields
Field Text Editor
Response Piping
Choice Fields: Multiple Choice, Linear Scale, Multiple Choice Table
Text Fields: Short Answer, Long Answer, Number, Table
Form Structure Fields: Personal Information, Section, Description, Image Description, Website
Data Fields: Location Record, Photo Capture, File, Video Capture
Contact Fields: Phone Number, Email, Address
Schedule Fields: Date, Time
Walla Payments Field
Toss Payments Field
Rejection Field
Enging Field
Quota Setting
Contact Fields: Phone Number, Email, Address
✏️ Activating [Required Input] means that the respondent must answer the question.
✏️ [Page Break] is a feature that allows you to divide pages in vertical view.
✏️ Sensitive information can easily be hidden through [Data Masking].
✏️ If you want to pull the previous question's response into the current question, try using the response piping feature.
Phone Number Field: Respondents can enter their phone number.
Respondents can change the country code by selecting the flag icon.
Email Field: Respondents can enter their email address.
Since the response condition is set to 'email', only responses that meet the email format (e.g., can be submitted.
If a response does not match the email format, an error message can be displayed. You can write the desired message in the 'Error Message' field.
Address Field: Respondents can enter their address.
First, select the country and then enter the detailed address.