Create New Project
Add/Delete Fields
Field Text Editor
Response Piping
Choice Fields: Multiple Choice, Linear Scale, Multiple Choice Table
Text Fields: Short Answer, Long Answer, Number, Table
Form Structure Fields: Personal Information, Section, Description, Image Description, Website
Data Fields: Location Record, Photo Capture, File, Video Capture
Contact Fields: Phone Number, Email, Address
Schedule Fields: Date, Time
Walla Payments Field
Toss Payments Field
Rejection Field
Enging Field
Quota Setting
✏️ 'Logic' is a feature that allows you to direct users to the next question or section based on their responses.
Default Navigation
You can select the next field to follow the current one in sequence.
Set Logic Based on Responses
Configure the next question to be displayed based on user responses, such as directing those who answered "Yes" to the next field and those who answered "No" to submit their responses.
Set conditions like "If a specific response is selected in a question."
When the condition is met, direct users to a specific question or submit their response.
✏️ Example of Logic Setup
If "Apple" is selected in Question 1, redirect to "Submit Response."
Default Navigation: Next question (or Question 2)
Question 1
Redirect to
,"Submit Response"
⚠️ Logic cannot be applied to multiple-choice fields or personal information fields.