Send a copy of Responses to the Respondent

✏️ When a response is submitted, you can send the response details to the respondent via email using Zapier.
✏️ Before integrating with Zapier, make sure the project is published and has received at least one response.
  1. In the published project's "Integration" tab, select "Gmail - Connect with Zapier."

  1. Connect your Walla account to Zapier.

  1. Select the project for which you want to send a copy of the responses.

    • If you have too many projects to search manually, you can copy and paste the last part of the shared URL to find it easily.

  1. Click "Test trigger".

  1. Select a response to use for testing.

  1. Please connect the Gmail account from which you want to send the email.

  1. In the "To" field, click the '+' and select the "Email" field to send the email to the respondent's email address.

    • You can also fill in other necessary details for sending the email, such as CC, BCC, etc.

  1. In the Subject field, enter the email subject, and in the Body, enter the content of the email.

    • To include the respondent's responses in the Body, click the '+' and select the relevant fields to pull in their answers.

  1. If you want to receive a test email, click "Test step".
    If you don't need a test, click "Skip Test".

  1. Finally, click "Publish" to save the settings.

  1. The integration setup is complete!

  1. Now, when a respondent submits their response, you will receive the email as set up!